NextCrew Mobile App How-To

Show Interest in a Job
1. Find desired job then tap on Interested 2. Interested icon will turn green 3. All jobs you have shown interest in will be moved to the Interest...
Tue, 29 Sep, 2020 at 9:40 AM
View All Interested Jobs
1. From the home page tap on the Interested tab 2. You will be redirect to the Interested tab to view ALL Interested jobs *To remove Interest tap on Inter...
Tue, 15 Dec, 2020 at 2:48 PM
Mark Jobs as Favorites
1. Search the open jobs 2. Tap on the Favorite icon 3. The Favorite icon will turn green, the job will remain in the same place and appear in the Favorite...
Tue, 29 Sep, 2020 at 9:39 AM
View All Favorites
1. From the home page place finger on menu bar and swipe left 2. Tap on the Favorite tab 3. To remove as Favorite tap on the Favorite icon to deselect
Tue, 29 Sep, 2020 at 9:40 AM
View All Confirmed Jobs
1. From the home page tap on the Confirmed tab 2. You will be redirected to the Confirmed tab to view ALL Confirmed jobs 3. All Confirmed jobs will be mar...
Tue, 15 Dec, 2020 at 4:11 PM
Cancel a Confirmed Job
1. Select Job needing to be cancelled  2. Tap VIEW DETAILS 3. Tap DECLINE 4. It is best practice to message your scheduler
Tue, 15 Dec, 2020 at 4:00 PM
Set (Un)Availability
1. Tap on the tri bar 2. Tap on Calendar 3. Tap on the + (plus) 4. Tap on the Starts to open calendar to select date then do the same for Ends date ...
Tue, 29 Sep, 2020 at 9:42 AM
Add Confirmed Job to Personal Calendar
1. From the home page tap on Confirmed 2. Tap VIEW DETAILS 3. Tap Add to Calendar 4. Tap OK 5. Make changes as necessary then tap Save      Title     ...
Tue, 15 Dec, 2020 at 3:52 PM
Calendar View
1. Tap on the tri bar 2. Tap on Calendar 3. Tap on the <-> to select desired month KEY/LEGEND Green Bullet - CONFIRMED Gold Bullet - REQUEST...
Tue, 15 Dec, 2020 at 2:57 PM
Re-Confirm/Acknowledge Jobs to Your Coordinator
1. From the home page tap on the Confirmed tab 2. You will be redirected to the Confirmed tab to view ALL Confirmed jobs 3. Double tap on the Confirm ic...
Tue, 29 Sep, 2020 at 9:41 AM