1. Click on highlight    


Update the Status


2. Click on Status


3. Select the applicable Status

  • Not Started
  • Deferred
  • In Progress
  • Waiting for Input
  • Completed


Add Permissions for Assignee


4. Next to Permissions click on ADD


      5. Select applicable Type    


  • Global- all Users     
  • Entity Type-Admins, Clients, Crew Members (Clients and Crew Members do not have access to Task Management at this time)    
  • Group- Assigned groups (configurable in Code tables)   
  • User-Specific user only



6. Select Access Type 


  • General Access- overall task access    
  • Note Access- access to notes     
  • Document Access- access to attachments


7. Select specific access you wish to grant per access type


  • No Access     
  • Read Only Access   
  • Write/Edit Access


8. Click on Add


9. Assign task to designated user/s


Note: You must grant assigned user write access to make updates to tasks


10. Click on Update to save changes