1. Click on Task


2. Click on New Task


Add General Information


3. Click on Title to add in a task title    


4. Select Priority


  • Low   
  • Medium       
  • High       
  • Urgent


5. Select your Due Date


6. Select Task Status


  • Not Started      
  • Deferred      
  • In Progress      
  • Waiting for Input      
  • Completed


7. Select applicable Category 


  • CRM      
  • HR      
  • Invoice      
  • Operation      
  • Payroll        

8. If applicable select the Category Status


      9. Type in a Description of the task    


This can include specific of what is needed for the task and any additional information that could be useful towards it's completion.


Linking Entities


10. Add Linked Entities    


To link where this task originated from or can be located 


11. Select Type


  • Job        
  • Order            
  • Client      
  • Crew Member       
  • Timesheet


  12. Input corresponding type information    


13. Click on Add


Adding Permissions


14. Click on ADD


Adding permissions can allow/restrict other users from viewing, and editing tasks


15. Select Type


  • Global- all Users      
  • Entity Type-Admins, Clients, Crew Members (Clients and Crew Members do not have access to Task Management at this time)      
  • Group- Assigned groups (configurable in Code tables)     
  • User-Specific user only


16. Select Access Type 


  • General Access- overall task access    
  • Note Access- access to notes    
  • Document Access- access to attachments


17. Select specific access you wish to grant per access type


  • No Access      
  • Read Only Access    
  • Write/Edit Access


18. Click on Add


To save or update permission


19. Assign task to designated user 


Note: You must grant assigned user write access to make updates to tasks


Adding Notes


20. Click on ADD


      21. Type in any notes related to task    


22. Click on Add


to save


Adding Attachments


23. Click on Add


Input attachment title and Upload the Document you wish to add


Note: Max File Size is 8Mb 


Click Add to complete


Save Task


24. Click on Add to Save Task