1. Click on Operation


2. Click on Timesheet


3. Click on Filter


4. Apply/update necessary filters to view corresponding information


To Add Job Performance Reviews


5. Click on the > to Open a Job Detail Flyout


6. Here you can see the scheduled Start and End Time vs Actual clock in/out time 


7. To add a Review 


        Input details under         Review         to add any comments regarding crew member performance, you can also rate performance using stars      


        Once the review is complete, toggle the completed bar to         On         to make the review uneditable      


8. Click on Update to save review


Approving Timesheets


9. Scroll over to view start and end times vs actual and current status


You can update/edit the clock in/out times by clicking on the start or end time


10. To Approve a Timesheet click the Green Checkmark


11. To Reject a timesheet click the Red X