Whether you are primarily importing new Crew Members or having Crew Members self-register, you may at some point need to manually add a Crew Member.  This can be done from any view of the Crew Members screen.

To start, Click the blue "+Add" button on the top right of any view of the Crew Members Page to open the Add Crew Member flyout.

Next, fill out any required fields and other starting information that you have.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) and will also be highlighted in red if they are skipped, as well as with text noting that this field is required.

The last field on the flyout, the Active check box, is used to determine whether the Crew User that you are creating will be inactive or active.  If you do not check this box, the crew member will not be able to log in once provided with credentials. 

You should check this box if you would like for them to be able to access the NextCrew Mobile App right away.

Once you have filled out any required fields and any information you have that can be entered on the Add Crew Member flyout, click the Blue "Add" button on the bottom right of the flyout to add your Crew Member and create their profile.

If any required fields are missing, the flyout will remain open and highlight in red any fields that must be completed.