Within the NextCrew system, you'll come across a plethora of buttons, menus, and icons.
Consider this 2 part article a convenient quick reference guide for these elements.
Part 2
There are a few buttons/ icons you will see throughout the system and they function the same no matter what page they are on.
Quick Action | Ellipses | 3 Vertical Dots
The quick action menu can be found across the system on multiple pages, serving the purpose of enhancing your efficiency and saving you time during your workday. It provides a deliberate approach to actions such as Deleting, ensuring that you must intentionally seek them out. This design choice was implemented to prevent accidental deletions.
Simply click on the icon and choose the action you wish to perform from the menu.
Crew Members
Orders , Jobs and Offers
Timesheets and Daily Pulse
Chevron | Fly Out | Fly Down
You will also come across Chevrons throughout the system. Chevrons enable you to swiftly access additional information by opening a fly-out or expanding content downward, all without leaving the current page.
Crew Members
Orders , Jobs and Offers
Throughout the system you will see different Lists - You will know its a list by the alternating grey and white lines. Lists offer customization options, allowing you to refine your page's display to show only the specific information you want to see.
It's important to note that lists in the settings section cannot be customized. The presence of a COG Wheel in the top right corner of a list is the simplest indicator that the list is customizable.
Due to the lists being customizable - we added a horizontal scroll bar to all you to scroll through the information you have displayed.
Tip* - If your mouse has a scroll wheel - click down on the wheel while in a list and drag your mouse to the left or right.
You can also access more pages below the list.
Every time you spot a cog icon on the page, it signifies that you have the option to either add additional columns or hide existing columns from view, enabling you to tailor your display to show only the information that captures your interest.
See below the areas of the system where you can see a list and a cog
Crew Members
Orders, Jobs , Offers
Daily Pulse
+ Buttons
Crew members
Jobs, Orders
Code tables