The orders page gives Administrators the most comprehensive lists of Orders, Jobs and Offers for their company and can be filtered, modified and saved using templates to display the most relevant information for the task at hand.

On the top of the Orders page, you will see the name of the tab that you are on, the template dropdown and save button, filters, quick search and buttons for "+ New Order" and "+New Job".  These are accessible across each Tab on the Orders Page, with more options becoming available as you move down in the hierarchy.


Highest Level - Orders: 

Orders contain jobs and offers. They are like a "file" on your desktop, containing basic information such as Client, Contact, as well as Billing and Work Address about jobs that live within them. 

They can also contain more detailed information such as additional notes for Crew Members or Admins and rate configuration. This information then trickles down to jobs and offers. 

An example of a job order would if Restaurant A asked for 2 cooks, 1 sever and 1 dish washer next week, that is an Order of Jobs.   

Orders can be organized in the way that best works for your company, always by Client but also by Position, Project, Month or any other variable that matters for billing or process in your organization. We recommend limiting Job Orders to a time period of one month for best practice.  

The job order requested by Restaurant A could be created in or moved to an Order for Restaurant A for the month or week or even multiple Orders for different Positions (cook, sever and dish washer) for Restaurant A for next week.

Middle Level - Jobs: 

Jobs are contained in Orders and have Offers associated with them. All jobs must be associated with an Order. An example of a job would be a specific shift for a nurse, a visit to a location for a food sampling program or a shift of bartenders at a music festival. 

Jobs can contain multiple positions, but must all be for the same time, location and position type. For example, you can have a job for multiple bartenders, but cannot put bartenders and servers into the same job unless they all have that position available on their profile.

Lowest Level - Offers: 

Offers are associated with Jobs and Orders. They contain information about the details of the job in reference to a particular Crew Member, who has expressed interest or has been requested, booked or declined/cancelled on a job. 

Offers always have a status and can also have sub-statuses, which can be set up in Code Tables. 

Examples of Offers could be: 

  • Crew Member A is interested in the night shift job for Client X
  • Crew Member B has been requested on the bartender job at Y Fesival
  • Crew Member C has been confirmed on the CNA daytime job at Z Hospital

Some details such as Date/Time and Rates can be modified on the Offer, specific to that Crew Member.  Modifications made on the Offer will not reflect on the job level.    

For example, if Crew Member B is one of your best bartenders and is requesting to be paid an extra dollar per hour because they were offered that rate for a different job at the same time, the time or rate could be modified directly in the offer if that were approved.  If Crew Member B was later cancelled, the original time would be visible for that job (which would then have 1 open position).


Templates are available on all tabs on the Orders Page.  You can use Templates to view lists of Orders, Jobs or Offers that correspond with data that you use frequently day to day to keep track of different projects.

For more information Templates, view the Templates article here