Instructions to delete a shift out of the portal:

1. Click on the JOBS menu you will be redirected to the Active tab

2. Use the Simple or Advanced filters to select for desired job/shift then click GO

3. Click on the tribar

4. In the drop-down menu select Delete Job

5. Select desired answer for sending notification to crew members who are assigned to job that it is being canceled

6. Acknowledge Shift/Job deletion

Instructions to delete a shift but keep in portal:

1. Click on the JOBS menu then select Job Orders

2. Use the Simple or Advanced filters to search for desired Job Order then click GO

3. Click on the Job Order Title to open the order

4. Locate the shift to be canceled then move the Privacy Setting to Inactive

5. If someone is confirmed on shift click on DECLINE

6. Type in reason for cancelling shift in dialog box then select DECLINE

Optional: Send a notification to the Crew Member about canceled shift

The New Message Dialog box will appear for you to modify then Send