Create a Rate Configuration:
1. Navigate to the SETTINGS menu then the Rate Configurations tab
2. Click ADD
3. Fill in all fields in the Add New Rate Configuration page
- Title the configuration
- Select Office Location
- Complete the Skill Rates based on your Industry and Skill list
- Fill in fields for pay rate based off your company
4. Click Add to save
Add Rate Configuration to Client Profile:
1. Select Client needed for a Rate Configuration
2. Use drop-down menu in Rate Configuration to add to Client's profile (see example above)
3. Click UPDATE to save
How a Rate Configuration Auto-populates:
When a Rate Configuration is set the rates will display in Job Orders and timesheets automatically.
Job Order Example:
Timesheet Example:
*Please note, if a pay rate is left blank the individual crew members rate will be used.*
Change Rate Configuration in Job Order:
1. Navigate to the JOBS menu then select the Job Orders tab
2. Click on the Job Title hyperlink (example in above reference)
3. Select new rate configuration
4. Click on the sync icon