It is often necessary for a business to compensate crew members for spending personal funds on business expenditures by simply adding reimbursement sums to paychecks. This practice reduces the number of overall checks that are written, saving time and money. Crew Member expenditures that are eligible for reimbursement include expenses incurred using personal vehicles for business errands using either the actual expense or standard mileage method of compensation or making a business purchases with personal funds which can also be billed to the Client.

There are two ways to add a reimbursement!

Method One: This is a quick, efficient way to add the same reimbursement for multiple crew members. 

1. Navigate to the JOBS menu then the Timesheet tab

2. Click on Add Attendance (please see reference in above example)

3. Start by clicking the Reimb. box the Check In/Out turn grey signifying to add the reimbursement

4. Fill in fields necessary

  • Select the Client
  • Click on the Name box to select the name(s) of the crew members needed for the reimbursement  then click outside the box or tab to continue 
  • Type in the Rate of the amount payable 
  • Type in the amount of the Bill Rate 
  • Click on the note to add define the reimbursement (this will appear on invoices)

5. Click on the +plus to save in the timesheet

Method Two: To quickly, efficiently add one or more reimbursement(s) per crew member.

1. Navigate to the JOBS menu then the Timesheet tab (please see reference in above example)

2.  Click on the paper-stack in the crew member's timesheet to clone the attendance. A second entry will be created

3. In the timesheet record check the box for the Reimb. (this will turn off the check-in/out times)

4. Fill in fields necessary

  • Type in the Bill Rate
  • Select Billable if billing the client
  • Click on the note to add define the reimbursement (this will appear on invoices) 

5. Save