1. Click on Reports

2. Click on arrow to expand report category

Optional: Add Favorites by clicking on the star next to the report name to


Report Name


Job Management & Scheduling

Job Audit History

Allow you to view what type of changes were made to a job and by whom

Job Management & Scheduling

Job Offer Activities by Crew

Show when a crew member accepted , declined or showed an interest for a job

Job Management & Scheduling

Job Offer History

List of all people who were involved as a part of job offer process

Audit Trail

User Action Tracking

Tracks activities performed by administrators

Client Management

Crew Members Profile Views

This report is applicable only if you have a configuration setup to allow your client user to view crew members. In that case, it shows list of crew members viewed by a client user

Client Management

Client Contact List

List of all clients and contacts

Client Management

Client Location List

List of all client locations

Client Management

Client User List

List of all client users who have access to login and view jobs, timesheets

Client Management

Rate Card List

Lists all rate configurations in the system

Job Management & Scheduling

Staff Showcase

Allows you to run a list of crew members by group so that the portfolio of can be shared with a client for marketing purposes

Lookup Tables and Configuration

Location List

List of all office and venue locations

Lookup Tables and Configuration

Skill List

Allows you to view list of skills setup for the company

Job Management & Scheduling

Jobs Export For Data Update

Allows you to export existing jobs so that it can be updated and updated back into the system in mass

HR & Recruiting

Crew Members

List of all crew members and demographic information by location and active status

HR & Recruiting
Crew Members By Client Preference

Lists all crew members preferred or not preferred by client


Crew Members Inactivity Report

Lists all crew members who have not been confirmed for any jobs within a specified date range


Crew Members Profile Log

Lists changes made by a crew member in their profile

HR & Recruiting

Crew Members Skills

Lists all crew members by their skill

HR & Recruiting

Background Check Reporting

Lists status of background check listing by crew members

HR & Recruiting
Birthday Report

Lists all birth dates by month

HR & Recruiting

License Information

List of license information

HR & Recruiting

New Hire Report

List of all new registration for a specific date range

Invoice Management

Expense Report

List of all expenses associated to invoices

Invoice Management

Invoice Details

Allows you to view detail line items for an invoice

Invoice Management

Invoice Summary

List of all invoices

Job Management & Scheduling

Job Orders

List of all job orders

Job Management & Scheduling


List of all jobs by confirmed crew members, clients, office location

Job Management & Scheduling

Search Crew Members By Zip Code

Allows you to search crew members by zip code

Workforce Operation & Stats

Weekly Calendar

Prints weekly calendar by job and crew members

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Job Activity Stats by Division

Shows summary of numbers by division

Workforce Operation & Stats

Job Reviews

List of reviews by crew members

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

KPI - Company Revenue

Allows you to measure company revenue by month

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

KPI - Job Order Gross Margin

Allows you to measure gross margin by job

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

KPI - Revenue By Client

Allows you to measure revenue by client

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)Key Performance Indicator

KPI - Unfilled Positions

Allows you to view any unfilled positions for jobs requested by clients

Legal & Compliance

ACA Hours by Crew Members

Lists hours worked by a crew member based on the time frame specified

Job Management & Scheduling

Availability Report

List availability posted by crew members

Workforce Operation & Stats

Available Crew Members By Date Range

Lists all the crew members who are available for a specific date / date range

Job Management & Scheduling

Conflicting Interest

Allows you to view list of conflicts for a specific crew member

Job Management & Scheduling

Conflicts by Date Range

Generates a list of all crew members who have any conflict with active jobs

Audit Trail

Email Tracking

Allows you to view list of all emails / SMS sent to crew members

Timesheet & Payroll

Missing Timesheets

Lists any missing timesheets for a specific date range

Job Management & Scheduling

Quick  Crew Member Assignments

Allows you to quick assign jobs by crew members

Job Management & Scheduling

Unavailability Report

List of all the crew members who are not available

HR & Recruiting

Violation Report

List of all violations by crew members

Timesheet & Payroll

Pay Stub Report by Employee

Prints a pay stub for a crew member for a specified date range

Timesheet & Payroll

Work History

List of all scheduled work hours

Timesheet & Payroll

Timesheet Detail

Timesheet details by location including overtime hours

Timesheet & Payroll

Timesheet Summary

Timesheet summary by crew members